OLT(241860295) 10:58:43 AW-759006566 OLT(241860295) 10:58:49
Высококачественное лабораторное оборудование для сушки распылением 1,5 л
& nbsp; Лабораторные весы с распылительной сушилкой подходят для производства в университетах, исследовательских институтах и на предприятиях пищевой и фармацевтической химии. & nbsp;
In January 2019, the University of Eastern Finland visited the OLLITAL factory. And on the same day, signed a contract with OLLITAL for the pouch cell experimental line order. After two months of production, OLLITAL has completed 10 sets equipment (including 2L Spray Dryer, 3L Spray Dryer, Freeze Dryer,Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor,etc.).
On March 10, the University of Eastern Finland came to the OLLITAL factory for inspection. They are very recognized for our equipment. On March 15, 2019, all equipment were shipped by air under freight insurance. We hope to have the opportunity to work again with the University of Eastern Finland.